How to use wow skin science| wow face wash with brush review

WOW Skin Science Apple Cider Vinegar Face wash 

Features & details

  • Contains apple cider vinegar, aloe leaf extract, hyaluronic acid & pro vitamin B5, that gently cleanses, and balances skin oils
  • Free from parabens, sulphate, silicones & colour
  • Use it twice a day everyday and your skin will glow to say thanks
  • Simply perfect for everyday use for all skin types


Splash some water on the face and neck. Take a coin size amount of the face wash in your palm. Rub your palms together to activate wash and create a lather. Massage the lather onto your face in circular motion focusing on your T Zone for up to 2 minutes. Wash it off thoroughly with plain water. Pat your skin dry. Use the face wash twice daily to keep your skin clear of dirt and pollution. Use lukewarm water to wash off; and finish off by splashing your face with cold water to close the pores.
WOW Skin Science Apple Cider Vinegar Face Wash – 100mL

For Deep Cleansing and Balancing Skin

WOW Skin Science Apple Cider Vinegar Face Wash is skin clarifying and deep cleansing face wash enriched with pure certified apple cider vinegar, Aloe Vera extract, and hyaluronic acid. Its effective formulation helps in removing dirt, sweat, excess oil and makeup very thoroughly. It helps in restoring skin’s natural pH balance and controls excess sebum production. Hyaluronic acid improves skin’s moisture levels, while Pro Vitamin B5 helps strengthen skin’s lipid barrier.
  • Contains pure organic apple cider vinegar that offers multiple skin benefits.
  • Helps clarify and hydrate skin.
  • Gentle enough for regular use for deep cleansing.
  • Suits all skin types. Contains no harmful parabens, suphates or mineral oil.


Assists in clearing and refining skin

Assists in clearing and refining skin

It cleanses the skin of impurities and helps maintain skin’s natural pH balance for a refined look.
Helps prevent skin inflammation

Helps prevent skin inflammation

It helps soothe redness, dryness, and calm acne prone skin.
Gives supple, bright complexion

Gives supple, bright complexion

Regular use ensures that your skin is squeaky clean and looks even toned and smooth.
One-stop cleanser

One-stop cleanser

Effective foaming face wash that clears away dirt, pollution and makeup residue, that helps skin absorb moisturizers better.



Restores skin’s normal pH

Restores skin’s normal pH

Organic apple cider vinegar helps remove excess sebum, clears dead skin cells for a balanced skin.
Refines complexion and calms skin

Refines complexion and calms skin

Pro Vitamin B5 helps minimize hyperpigmentation, dullness, and acne spots. Aloe extract helps soothe inflamed skin.
Offers deep hydration for supple skin

Offers deep hydration for supple skin

Hyaluronic acid helps skin draw and retain hydration for firm, supple, moisturized skin. Pro Vitamin helps strengthen skin’s lipid barrier to prevent moisture loss.
peel off

Recommended to Use with WOW Skin Science Charcoal Peel Off Face Mask

WOW Skin Science Activated Charcoal Peel Off is an advanced, superior-quality peel off enriched with Activated Bamboo Charcoal and Transpose & Aloe Vera Extracts. Activated Bamboo Charcoal Powder helps gently suck out blackheads and draw out hidden-away toxins and impurities even from deep within the pores; making your skin much clearer, brighter and younger.



 Oily or dry, your skin needs gentle balancing action that goes beyond simple cleansing i.E.  Removing dirt, dust, sweat and makeup etc.  Wow skin science apple cider vinegar gel face wash has been infused with pure certified organic apple cider vinegar to restore healthy ph back to skin and balance skin’s natural oils.  This carefully formulated gel face wash has also been enriched with aloe vera barbadensis leaf extract (soothes and calms skin), hyaluronic acid (raises skin's ability to hold healthy moisture) and pro vitamin B5 (improves skin's lipid barrier and fades pigmentation) for exceptional skincare  .  Regular use not only boosts skin's glow, It also helps control acne, blackheads, dryness and age spots
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